How to choose Secured VPS for your business

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08:28, 24.08.2021

A protected virtual server meets higher security standards than a regular VPS. Such a server allows you to effectively protect your websites from virus attacks and intrusions due to built-in hardware and software solutions. Increased protection of the virtual server is achieved through the following advantages and features:

  1. Regular data backup - backups on the protected server are created every 24 hours, which allows in case of physical damage to the server or any other failures to restore data, thereby avoiding significant losses.
  2. Audit and detailed logging of all events allow you to detect the slightest discrepancies in the server.
  3. DDoS protection at the data center level. DDoS protection mechanisms are often based on analyzing network traffic and blocking any suspicious activity. Traffic is cleared at the HTTP, DNS, and SIP protocols level.
  4. Instead of insecure FTP, the secure VPS uses SFTP and SCP, secured by SSH.
  5. More frequent software updates. This is important because in new versions of software developers eliminate the vulnerabilities found in previous versions. The more often such updates are released, the lower the probability of hacking.
  6. An encrypted VPN tunnel is used to protect against "sniffing" traffic.
  7. Stricter user account security policy settings. A separate account is created for each user and two-factor authentication can be activated to access it. This significantly increases the security of the server.

The security features are installed and run on separate hardware. This ensures that, firstly, your hardware resources are not wasted on running this software. Secondly, it significantly improves the quality of protection, because in the case of infection of hostile software code will not be able to disable the protection of the virtual server, and these tools in any scenario will be able to identify and eliminate the threat.

On top of everything else, the fundamental advantage of a protected virtual server is that even if the client itself misses some points and allows the presence of software vulnerabilities of its resource, the hardware and software protection of the hoster secures such nuances.

How to choose a secure virtual server

The more protection tools a hosting provider uses, the better because each measure serves as an additional barrier to malware. HostZealot is well acquainted with current protection methods and offers the option to rent a secure VPS for an additional fee.

The most important thing about protecting a virtual server is consistency. Regular checks, updates, and monitoring is the best way to secure servers from unauthorized access. VPS from HostZealot allows you to get a virtual machine with high performance and reference protection from any external threats and multi-stage DDoS attack filtering.


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